
Bible Questions and Answers

Bible Quiz

The Bible Quiz - Why did King Yoshiyahu (Josiah) assemble all of Yehuda (Judah) at the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple)?
Topic Q 4303   Question 1 of 1  
Melachim II (Kings II)
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Why did King Yoshiyahu (Josiah) assemble all of Yehuda (Judah) at the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple)?
To celebrate one of the Shalosh Regalim (3 Pilgrimage Festivals)
To read the Torah to them and make a covenant to follow Hashem's (G-d's) commandments
To inform them that he was resigning and appointing his son to replace him
To inform them of an imminent war against Bavel (Babylonia)
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