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Bible Quiz

The Bible Quiz - What message did Shaul (Saul) convey by sending 2 cut-up oxen throughout the land of Israel?
Topic Q 4001   Question 1 of 1  
Shmuel I (Samuel I)
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What message did Shaul (Saul) convey by sending 2 cut-up oxen throughout the land of Israel?
That Nachash from Amon would destroy everyone's oxen if they didn't come to the aid of Yavesh Gilad
That not coming to Yavesh Gilad's aid would show that the nation was divided like the cut-up oxen
That Shaul would cut up the people if they didn't come to the aid of Yavesh Gilad (Jabesh Gilead)
That the oxen of those who fail to come to the aid of Yavesh Gilad (Jabesh Gilead) would also be cut up
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